EndoArmy is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible. If you are interested in donating to EndoArmy financially send us an email or donate to through PayPal. You can also support us by visiting our online store. Don’t have money or goods to donate? We understand! Consider being one of our invaluable volunteers!
Your Gift Makes A Difference!
As a thank you to our donors we will honor your gift in the following ways:
All donors will receive a tax-deductible charitable donation receipt for their gift. All gifted items will also receive a donation reicpt of equivalent same cash value.
A complete business plan will be available upon request for prospective donors. If you are interested in becoming an EndoArmy sponsor and would like a copy of our sponsor levels please send us an email!
There Is a Better Way Forward
EndoArmy was created by endo warriors for endo warriors. Our goal is to help as many individuals affected by endometriosis as possible. We hope to help each warrior feel less lonely, to not give up on their dreams, and to be more educated on this disease process. We are done standing by while so many are suffering in silence. Just because there isn’t cure right now doesn’t mean all is lost. To bring understanding and awareness to this horrible disease is to also bring hope. WE ARE WARRIORS.